
Survival Factory Builder

After playing a game called Factorio, and also previously playing modded Minecraft with my brother and friends way back in the day I've grown an interest in making a game in this Factory building game genre.

Other games similar to it are Satisfactory and Mindustry.

I'm currently working on this game.

Current Version: Not Available


My longest project and my dream project to complete is an MMORPG. I've been slowly developing this game idea for quite a while going through numerous variations and testing out ideas to gauge what is possible for a solo developer to do verses what is improbable to do.

The current iteration of my MMORPG idea takes inspiration from two very popular Top-Down MMORPG's on the market as of writing this, Albion Online and Path of Exile.

I'm not currently working on this game.

Current Version: Not Available.